Hey there, fellow mamas-to-be! Today, we're tackling three infamous culprits of pregnancy discomfort: constipation, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and acid reflux. Brace yourselves for a bumpy (yet informative!) ride!
Constipation: The ultimate party pooper.
Symptoms: Infrequent bowel movements, straining, bloating.
Possible Causes: Hormonal changes, sluggish digestive system, pressure from the growing baby.
Home Care:
Stay hydrated: Drink plenty of water throughout the day to help soften stools.
Increase fiber intake: Include fiber-rich foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes in your diet to promote regular bowel movements.
Gentle abdominal massage: Using circular motions, gently massage your abdomen in a clockwise direction to stimulate bowel movement.
Maintain an active lifestyle: Engage in regular low-impact exercises, such as walking, Pilates or swimming, to encourage healthy digestion.
Osteopathic Approach: Osteopaths can use gentle manual techniques, such as abdominal massage or mobilisation of the digestive organs, to improve bowel function and relieve constipation and can also evaluate your posture and alignment, addressing any imbalances that may contribute to digestive issues. They may recommend exercises or stretches to correct posture and optimise digestion.
IBS: The unruly rebel of the pregnancy discomfort gang.
Symptoms: Abdominal pain, bloating, unpredictable bathroom trips.
Possible Causes: Hormonal changes, stress, sensitive gut.
Home Care:
Identify trigger foods: Keep a food diary to track which foods exacerbate your symptoms, and try to avoid or limit their consumption.
Stress management: Practice relaxation techniques like deep breathing, meditation, or prenatal yoga to help reduce stress levels and ease IBS symptoms.
Eat smaller, frequent meals: Opt for smaller portion sizes throughout the day to prevent overloading your digestive system.
Osteopathic Approach: Osteopaths can use gentle manipulations to release tension and improve mobility of the abdominal organs, potentially reducing IBS symptoms. Osteopaths may employ techniques like craniosacral therapy or relaxation techniques to help calm the nervous system, which can be beneficial for managing stress-related IBS symptoms.
Acid Reflux: The unwelcome gatecrasher.
Symptoms: Heartburn, burning sensation, bitter taste.
Possible Causes: Hormonal changes, relaxation of stomach muscles, pressure from the growing uterus.
Home Care:
Maintain proper posture: Sit or stand upright while eating to prevent stomach acid from flowing back up into the esophagus.
Avoid trigger foods: Spicy, fatty, or acidic foods can worsen acid reflux symptoms. Identify your trigger foods and minimise their consumption.
Elevate your upper body: When lying down, prop yourself up with pillows to keep your upper body slightly elevated, reducing the likelihood of acid reflux.
Osteopathic Approach: Osteopaths can work on releasing tension in the diaphragm, the muscle involved in respiration and digestion. This can help improve diaphragmatic function and reduce acid reflux symptoms. They can also assess the spine and rib cage to ensure proper alignment, as misalignments can contribute to poor digestion and acid reflux. They can perform gentle adjustments to optimise alignment and relieve symptoms.
Exercises to do at home
Now let's shift gears and talk about how home exercises, particularly Pilates-based exercises, can help alleviate these pregnancy symptoms.
Pilates, the graceful cousin of exercise, can work wonders for constipation, IBS, and acid reflux during pregnancy. Engage in gentle movements like leg circles, seated spine twists, and pelvic floor exercises to stimulate your digestive system, calm your gut, and promote better digestion. Who knew getting in touch with your core could be so empowering?
Leg Circles:
Lie on your side with legs extended. Prop yourself up with pillows if needed.
Keeping your core engaged, draw circles with the top leg.
Perform 5-10 circles in one direction, then switch sides.
Seated Spine Twists:
Sit tall on a chair or stability ball with feet flat on the ground.
Place hands on your belly and inhale deeply.
Exhale and slowly twist your torso to one side, using your core muscles.
Hold for a few breaths, then return to the center.
Repeat the twist to the other side. Perform 5-10 twists on each side.
Pelvic Floor Exercises:
Sit or lie down comfortably.
Take a deep breath and as you exhale, gently engage your pelvic floor muscles.
Imagine lifting and tightening the muscles around your pelvic area, as if stopping the flow of urine.
Hold the contraction for a few seconds without holding your breath or tensing other muscles.
Relax and release the muscles completely.
Repeat this exercise 10-15 times, gradually increasing the duration of the hold as you progress.
Always consult with your healthcare provider before starting any exercise routine during pregnancy. Listen to your body, modify exercises as needed, and cherish this extraordinary time in your life. Happy Pilates-ing, my fabulous mamas!
If you're new to Pilates and want to improve your flexibility, our advice is to start slowly and listen to your body. Pilates can be challenging, but it's important to start with exercises that feel comfortable and manageable for you. As you become more comfortable with the exercises, you can gradually increase the intensity and difficulty.
Remember, Pilates is a great way to stay active and healthy during pregnancy, and improving our flexibility can be a key part of that. So, grab a mat and give it a try – your body, bub (and your mind!) will thank you for it.
What if you want more?
Our dedicated, highly skilled team of female osteopaths are incredibly passionate about women's health so if you are not finding relief at home from the suggestions above, don't delay, book an appointment today. Your body will thank you.